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Tactonom Reader


Understanding graphics with the sense of touch is a major challenge for blind and severely visually impaired people. That’s why they usually rely on the help of sighted people.

For this reason, very few tactile learning graphics are used in education: While sighted people learn with around 25,000 graphics in school, blind people use less than 100!

The Tactonom Reader solves both challenges: The Tactonom Reader enables independent learning. We cooperate with ProBlind. Thousands of tactile graphics are available for free in the “Share” database.

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About the product

The Tactonom Pro will enable blind people and visually impaired people to access and work with any type of information.
This is achieved by combining

  • a huge number of tactile point
    • 119 columns
    • 89 lines
    • 10,500 touch points
    • DIN A4 sized touch field
  • camera-based finger recognition
    • The integrated finger recognition allows the Tactonom to explain the elements under the fingertips through audio.
  • audio explanations
  • comprehensive software
    • The software automatically converts information into tactile and audio information.

Improved learning opportunities with the Tactonom Reader

The Tactonom Reader enables visually impaired people to learn with the same content as sighted people. The camera detects the position of the finger and the system explains what you feel under your fingertips.

With the Tactonom Reader, blind and severely visually impaired people do not need help from others and can participate in lessons on an equal basis. It is now also possible to deepen what you have learned independently and at your own pace.

For more information sign up for the live demo, contact your local distributor for assistive technologies or send an email to info(at)

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